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                                                             Teacher Scholars


                                                      Teachers are life-long learners


We are teachers. We know what it takes to be a devoted educator. You must love your students and be passionate about your subject. Passion means being highly informed on the nuanced techniques to best share that information with young minds & it means being highly informed on the complexities of the subject itself.


We don't just value teachers, we respect your professionalism too. That's why our Teacher-Scholars Group is designed to enhance your knowledge and your professional contributions to a field often dominated by higher education academics. 


Join our mailing list for up to date information regarding our workshops, webinars, and conferences.



                        All our programs have been teacher tested and student approved!


We offer teachers and schools the following services:


-Comprehensive Holocaust History Textbook for grades 8-12 (with teacher's edition and best practices teacher trainings)


-After-School Community Champions Clubs & Contests (learn more here)


-European study trips for teacher professional development (learn more here) for 2023 information now!


-Annual Holocaust Teacher Symposium (Register today!)


-Holocaust Memorial Butterfly Gardens (Learn more here)





For more information on any of these services or for a personalized program contact us today!



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